A pedido da Professora Doutora Elsa Montenegro do Instituto Superior de Serviço Social do Porto (ISSSP), quatro alunas de ERASMUS que frequentam os mestrados de Serviço Social e Intervenção Social na Infância, Juventude em risco de exclusão, provenientes da Holanda e República Checa, deslocaram-se ao Agrupamento de Escolas de Aver-o-Mar, no dia 8 de novembro, para conhecer a realidade escolar e o trabalho desenvolvido pelo serviço social escolar.

Visitaram as escolas EB Refojos, EB/JI de Aldeia e EB Aver-o-Mar, suas valências e profissionais da área da educação. Observaram a intervenção realizada pela técnica de serviço social junto a alunos i/emigrantes e ainda, houve tempo para uma reunião de partilha de boas práticas e projetos interculturais.

De acordo com as mesmas, I found it very interesting to see the three schools. I saw that the communication between the teachers and non-teaching staff was very kind and loving and also the bond with the children looked very positive. I think Aver-o-Mar has a lot of facilities that can benefit all the children in growing up into a developed, balanced adult. In addition to this, I think that there are a lot of projects that can really help the children who need some more attention. Interesting and worth full that this preventive projects exist. I think that you are doing well! (Iza, Holanda)

It was a great experience to visit the schools and learn something about education in Portugal. We were very welcomed at the schools and everyone we spoke was really friendly. Andreia told us enthusiastically about the way the schools work. I want to thank for this experience. (Carlijn, Holanda)

We just wanted to thank you for such a great excursion at your schools. It was very interesting and beneficial! (Petra, Republica Checa).

Fica o registo! Aver-o-Mar além fronteiras!


Andreia Teixeira

Assistente Social Escolar

Carlos Gomes de Sá

Author Carlos Gomes de Sá

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