The book “Contributions to an Ubuntu School – the vision of Ubuntu School Directors” launch event

A session to launch the book “Contributos para uma Escola Ubuntu – a visão de Diretores/as de Escolas Ubuntu” (Contributions to an Ubuntu School – the vision of Ubuntu School Headmasters) was held today in the school auditorium of the Aver-o-Mar School Group. The initiative was open to the educational community, and this action was represented nationwide, taking place simultaneously in more than thirty schools across the country.

The session, approved as an STC for teaching staff, was preceded by another moment open to the community, in this case the cleaning of the community greenhouse installed in the Aver-o-Mar EB, a moment that, according to the Ubuntu spirit, is considered to be the building of a bridge between different members of the community (see the post about this activity on the website).

The event, which was attended by around forty people from schools in Póvoa de Varzim and Vila do Conde, started with a performance by Ubuntu Club students Ariana, Guilherme and Lucas, to illustrate that “whoever gives receives”, which was presented by the Headmaster, Carlos Gomes de Sá, who co-authored one of the chapters in the book. As a motto, a presentation was made by Dr Rui Marques, Director of IPAV/Academy of Ubuntu Leaders (the entity that publishes the book), followed by the co-presentation of the book, with a total of 252 pages, by other volunteer Ubuntu Educators: Andreia Teixeira, Olga Carvalho, Sandra Pinheiro and Susete Araújo, whom Headmaster Carlos Gomes de Sá expressed his thanks, not only for accepting the challenge, but also for their commitment and dedication to the presentation.

The chapters briefly covered include: The Role of the Ethic of Care; Building Bridges; The Vision of Server Leadership; Ubuntu and Citizenship Education; Ubuntu and PASEO and EcoUbuntu.

The foreword to the book, which gathers together contributions from more than 70 school leaders, states: “This book reflects not only windows of hope in the content it presents, but also in the process it has generated. The determination of the Ubuntu School Principals’ Council to have embraced this participatory process of co-constructing a shared vision of what the “Ubuntu School” could be is also a sign of hope. In this sense, it is important to acknowledge the initiative and support of the Directorate-General for Education for the development of this idea and the work that is being done on the basis of the “Ubuntu Schools” programme, an initiative of this body, developed by the Instituto Padre António Vieira and co-financed by POCH, through Portugal 2020 – European Social Fund. This plural contributory edition will be a true contribution to thinking about schools from the point of view of the Ubuntu philosophy and method. It is also important, in this context, to thank all those who took part in the working groups, in particular the coordinators for the excellent work they did and the remarkable contribution they made. Likewise, thanks are due to the project’s executive coordinator, Tânia Neves, and her team for their ongoing professionalism and competence.”

Using various slides and some additional films, including work produced by students from the Aver-o-Mar School Group, some of the ideas detailed in the book were shown, highlighting some of the many action strategies focused on the Ubuntu philosophy, with application in various contexts.  A book was offered to all the participants. The session was closed by the Vice-President of the Municipality of Póvoa de Varzim Luís Diamantino. He complimented the grouping on the work it has been doing in the community. The session ended with a call to be taken over by the municipality to take on the project associated with the Ubuntu Leaders Academies.

In addition to the paper version, the book is available in digital format at the following link:

Some recordings of the event.

Carlos Gomes de Sá

Author Carlos Gomes de Sá

More posts by Carlos Gomes de Sá

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