On the morning of the 20th of July, between 9 am and 12 noon, the first Erasmus+ Seminar took place in the AE of Aver-o-Mar, promoted by the Erasmus+ team, with project coordinator Marta Antunes as moderator.
With an enriching program, the morning became a space for conversation and sharing of various experiences in the Erasmus+ program and, for this purpose, it was worth the contribution of some schools in the municipality of Póvoa de Varzim, CFAE Póvoa de Varzim/Vila do Conde and the opinion of teachers and students involved in several Key Actions of the program.
The seminar began with the intervention of the sub-director of the Grouping, Helena Costa, who, in addition to recognizing the importance of Erasmus+ projects in the dynamics of schools, also focused on the challenges that arise in the scope of managing the human resources involved in them.
The president of CAFAE Póvoa de Varzim/Vila do Conde, Luís Fernandes, directed his intervention to the importance of Erasmus+ projects in teacher training. During his intervention, he publicized the Erasmus+ project starting this year, Continue Up, which involves the center and the School Education Gateway, among other partners, and whose focus is intervention in the initial and continuous training of teachers. The Aver-o-Mar School Group will be one of the associated partners in this innovative project in the field of training.
In municipal terms, Rocha Peixoto Secondary School, Cego do Maio School Grouping and Rates School Grouping were present, respectively through the voice of Albina Maia, Ana Cristina Ribeiro and Anabela Aguiar, who shared their projects, potentialities, constraints and challenges, within the scope of Key Actions 1 and 2 of the Erasmus+ programme.
After a short break, the Erasmus+ team from Aver-O-Mar intervened presenting the results of the Erasmus+ project “Teaching and Learning Towards an Inclusive, Digital and Sustainable World”. Fátima Morais represented the teaching view of this work experience, while the Social Action technician Andreia Teixeira the social gaze, of those who participated in mobilities, under a jobshadowing regime, in three different moments, namely, Turkey, Slovenia and Italy. Through their intervention, it was possible for those present to better understand what this type of mobility consists of, the professional advantages it offers, as well as their experience in the schools of the countries that welcomed them. They highlighted the good practices observed in the classroom, the practices and responses in the social, cultural, digital and environmental domain that are developed in partner institutions, the bonds that were promoted between professionals, issues related to communication, and others. This was a training reality that took place for the first time at AE Aver-O-Mar but which we hope can happen again involving more teaching and non-teaching staff.
It was time to give voice to the students, and accompanying teachers, about the experience and the impact that these projects had on their personal and academic lives. Everyone was unanimous in what a memory for life will be like: because they traveled abroad for the first time, established new friendships, left their comfort zone, applied academic knowledge such as communicating in English and other, learned about new cultures, habits and customs. It was certainly a highlight of this morning for sharing good practices.
Finally, the vision that the partners have about our Grouping, as a host, the work developed in partnership and the lessons learned was presented. Through recordings of testimonies, partner teachers and students left their gaze on Aver-O-Mar. We are happy to know that they felt satisfied and fulfilled with the reception and the pedagogical and cultural programs that they experienced in our country, that is, in our school.
The seminar ended with the intervention of the President of the Parents Association, Carlos Pinheiro, who congratulated the AE’s initiative in participating in this European program; the president of the General Council of the group who highlighted the added value that the projects represent for the academic development of the students, as well as for their personal growth as citizens of a global Europe, and also for the professional updating of the teaching and technical staff; finally, the Vice-President of Póvoa de Varzim City Council, Dr Luís Diamantino, congratulated the Group for the initiative of organizing this seminar, for its action in favor of the internationalization of educational practices and for the commitment of its professionals; he also highlighted the groupings present for their work, highlighting the impact that their action has been having on students, the schools and the community in general.
This was certainly a fruitful morning, extended to the county community, which boosted the dissemination of innovative practices, European-level dynamics whose main objective is to improve teaching and learning in the municipality of Póvoa de Varzim.
The Erasmus+ group of AE Aver-O-Mar