Collaborative School Budget: and the winner is …
As has become a tradition at our school, the 3rd cycle students took part in the OPE.
The process began last month with the challenge of drawing up proposals that are relevant to the inclusion and well-being of all.
On 13 February, the session to present the proposals to the rest of the school’s students took place. The session was well attended, with excellent presentations from the proposing groups. There were a number of pertinent questions raised, as well as responses that defended each of the proposals with conviction and assertiveness, endeavouring to show that each of them responded to the school’s needs.
Today, 20 March, was the day to decide. Between 10am and 1.30pm, 353 3rd cycle students voted. Of the 353 votes, which were counted and confirmed in the presence of the teachers coordinating the OPE at school level, it emerged that:
Motion No. 1 – List A – Socialising and Fun – 181 votes
Motion No. 2 – Better internet in the school – 91 votes
Motion N.º 3 – Better equipment in block C – 65 votes
Motion N.º 4 – Stop the Screens – 16 votes
As a result, proposal number one, “List A – Socialising and Fun” won with 181 votes.
The coordinators of our school’s participatory budgeting programme would like to thank all the students of the 3rd cycle for the participatory and civic-minded way in which they approached the whole process of participatory budgeting, from the moment they submitted their proposals to today, when the voting was completed and the votes counted.