

The book “Contributions to an Ubuntu School – the vision of Ubuntu School Directors” launch event

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A session to launch the book “Contributos para uma Escola Ubuntu – a visão de Diretores/as de Escolas Ubuntu” (Contributions to an Ubuntu School – the vision of Ubuntu School Headmasters) was held today in the school auditorium of the Aver-o-Mar School Group. The initiative was open to the educational community, and this action was represented nationwide, taking place simultaneously in more than thirty schools across the country.

The session, approved as an STC for teaching staff, was preceded by another moment open to the community, in this case the cleaning of the community greenhouse installed in the Aver-o-Mar EB, a moment that, according to the Ubuntu spirit, is considered to be the building of a bridge between different members of the community (see the post about this activity on the website).

The event, which was attended by around forty people from schools in Póvoa de Varzim and Vila do Conde, started with a performance by Ubuntu Club students Ariana, Guilherme and Lucas, to illustrate that “whoever gives receives”, which was presented by the Headmaster, Carlos Gomes de Sá, who co-authored one of the chapters in the book. As a motto, a presentation was made by Dr Rui Marques, Director of IPAV/Academy of Ubuntu Leaders (the entity that publishes the book), followed by the co-presentation of the book, with a total of 252 pages, by other volunteer Ubuntu Educators: Andreia Teixeira, Olga Carvalho, Sandra Pinheiro and Susete Araújo, whom Headmaster Carlos Gomes de Sá expressed his thanks, not only for accepting the challenge, but also for their commitment and dedication to the presentation.

The chapters briefly covered include: The Role of the Ethic of Care; Building Bridges; The Vision of Server Leadership; Ubuntu and Citizenship Education; Ubuntu and PASEO and EcoUbuntu.

The foreword to the book, which gathers together contributions from more than 70 school leaders, states: “This book reflects not only windows of hope in the content it presents, but also in the process it has generated. The determination of the Ubuntu School Principals’ Council to have embraced this participatory process of co-constructing a shared vision of what the “Ubuntu School” could be is also a sign of hope. In this sense, it is important to acknowledge the initiative and support of the Directorate-General for Education for the development of this idea and the work that is being done on the basis of the “Ubuntu Schools” programme, an initiative of this body, developed by the Instituto Padre António Vieira and co-financed by POCH, through Portugal 2020 – European Social Fund. This plural contributory edition will be a true contribution to thinking about schools from the point of view of the Ubuntu philosophy and method. It is also important, in this context, to thank all those who took part in the working groups, in particular the coordinators for the excellent work they did and the remarkable contribution they made. Likewise, thanks are due to the project’s executive coordinator, Tânia Neves, and her team for their ongoing professionalism and competence.”

Using various slides and some additional films, including work produced by students from the Aver-o-Mar School Group, some of the ideas detailed in the book were shown, highlighting some of the many action strategies focused on the Ubuntu philosophy, with application in various contexts.  A book was offered to all the participants. The session was closed by the Vice-President of the Municipality of Póvoa de Varzim Luís Diamantino. He complimented the grouping on the work it has been doing in the community. The session ended with a call to be taken over by the municipality to take on the project associated with the Ubuntu Leaders Academies.

In addition to the paper version, the book is available in digital format at the following link:

Some recordings of the event.

“Flavour Square” – Betweien project

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“Flavour Square” seeks to explore the principles of a healthy lifestyle associated with the Mediterranean Diet, defined by UNESCO as an intangible cultural heritage of humanity, and to present some of the ailments associated with an unhealthy lifestyle, are some of the main objectives of the project. Themes such as the Mediterranean Diet, local and seasonal foods and the Mediterranean Food Wheel will be explored throughout the story and will reach children not only in this way, but also through three musical themes.

Refojos Scholl teaching staff

Greves dias 6 e 9 de outubro – procedimentos

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Face aos cenários de Greves Nacionais para os dias 6 e 9 de outubro, conforme abaixo indicado, divulgam-se os procedimentos a seguir, nos diferentes estabelecimentos de ensino deste Agrupamento:

Dia 06.10.2023: Greve Nacional dos trabalhadores da Administração Pública, convocada pela FESINAPE (Federação Nacional de Sindicatos Independentes da Administração Pública e de Entidades com Fins Públicos)

Dia 09.10.2023: Greve Nacional do Assistentes Operacionais, Assistentes Técnicos, Técnicos Especializados e Técnicos Superiores, convocada pelo SINAPE (Sindicato Nacional de Profissionais da Educação)

Procedimentos aplicáveis:

1.º Ciclo e JI

Em face dos cenários conhecidos, poderá dar-se o caso de o JI/Escola não reunir os meios necessários para funcionar. Como tal, e a título excecional neste dia, os encarregados de educação apenas poderão deixar os filhos na escola às 9h00, confirmando na portaria se estão reunidas todas as condições para o bom funcionamento da escola. Nas escolas com JI que têm AAAF (Atividades de Animação e Apoio à Família), os encarregados de educação só podem deixar as crianças à hora habitual se estiverem reunidas as condições para o seu funcionamento. Nas escolas com CAF, os encarregados de educação têm de contactar a escola às 9h00 aferindo se a Escola está a funcionar normalmente. Caso o JI/Escola não reúnam as condições necessárias para o seu funcionamento as crianças/alunos terão de ser recolhidas.

Alunos com transporte especial (Unidade – CAA)

A título excecional neste dia, a empresa de transportes só poderá deixar os alunos na escola, depois de verificar se a mesma (entenda-se a Unidade) irá funcionar. Caso não reúna as condições para funcionar, a empresa levará os alunos de regresso a casa. Cada encarregado de educação deve equacionar esta hipótese e conversar/combinar com o motorista qual a hora prevista de regresso a casa, caso a Unidade não funcione.

2.º e 3.º Ciclo: EB de Aver-o-Mar (escola-sede)

Em face dos cenários conhecidos, poderá dar-se o caso de a Escola não reunir os meios necessários para funcionar, com normalidade, pelo que importará assegurar o serviço de refeições (em princípio, garantido).

Para evitar desperdício de refeições, e conforme recomendação da tutela, as encomendas das refeições para 6ª e 2ª feira, serão todas desmarcadas, na manhã desse dia e caso não haja condições para funcionar, devendo os alunos interessados em almoçar na escola, marcar as senhas no próprio dia, até às 10:15 horas, quer na própria escola, quer via internet, através do portal SIGE. Excecionalmente não será cobrada multa.

Aver-o-Mar School Alive: Science on the Move 23″

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You can watch the video of the activity “Aver-o-Mar School Alive: Science on the Move 23″, a kind of tribute to all 4th year students who visited the school of the Aver-o-Mar Grouping, on June 13, wishing them good holidays! We’ll meet you in September!


This note is also a thank you to everyone involved, from the teachers and non-teaching staff, to the teachers and students who took charge of the activity stations, not forgetting the canteen and transport staff. Thank you very much to everyone, in the certainty that the smiles on the faces of the students will be enough recognition that the activity was a success.


It was an intense day, with many activities and achievements! A day full of memories” Seasons: Arts Space Plastic Expression Workshop, Physics and Chemistry Space and Sciences – Experiences in the Laboratory, ICT – Activities in Scratch, Mathematics Space, Escape Room, TSC -Includes you: TSC Room, Workshop “¡Español mola! – Escape Room, Space of Physical Education and School of Reference for Road Education, Workshop “English is fun!”, Library, Storytime, Games and geographic activities, Music Club, Robotics, AEC’s Exhibition, Achimpa Exhibition, Mathematics Exhibition, History Exhibition, Arts Exhibition… EMRC – Vem e vê / GAMA / SPO /, CIS Roadshow – ZigZaga na Net Novas Aventuras, Meeting with Management and Theatre, among others.




Another National Prize for Aver-o-Mar: class of 5ºF wins a Triple Award!!!

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During the second and third terms, the 5th F of the Aver-o-Mar Schools Grouping was engaged in working on the causes, and consequences of climate changes. They also tried to work on the possible solutions in the fight against climate change, within the subjects of Citizenship and Development and Personal Development. The Manifesto created both in paper and e-format shared with the community granted them the 3rd place in the contest Continente Mission School (500 euros in a DÁ card) open to all schools.

But the class didn’t stop at this point. Due to their commitment and concern to learn more and more, they enrolled in the different events that Escola Missão Continente held, which allowed them to be present at the closing event of the 2022-2023 Edition of the Escola Missão Continente Programme.

So, on the 7th of June, at around 9:15am, the students and the English teacher, also class director, Rute Ribeiro and the assistant Adélia Silva, left the school by bus to the Casa da Música, in Porto. A warm and friendly welcome awaited us on our arrival. Always concerned about our well-being, they offered us a healthy snack, took lots of photos and our Sara Gasiorek was even interviewed by Porto Canal. Next, they took us on a tour around the Concert Hall “Casa da Música” and we visited the Suggia Hall, the Purple Hall, the Renaissance Hall and the Orange Hall.

By the end of the morning, we attended the show “The Return of Cha Cha Pum”, in Room 2, where 4 friends who travelled through several continents, with few means (4 wooden boxes and some musical instruments) and a lot of imagination, showed us new sounds from different countries and cultures.

Afterwards, we had a healthy lunch waiting for us. In the afternoon, we were offered a cantee to decorate with several stickers of our choice, our Sara was interviewed again, this time by the organization of the Escola Missão Continente, we took more photos and for our return home we were given a reusable cloth bag with a healthy snack and a pencil from the Casa da Música.

Finally, the behaviour of the class deserves the Good Heart Award, as they gave up the value earned for a greater good. The class will offer the amount they won in a DÁ card (500 Euros) to the school’s LSC (Learning Support Centre). Besides learning and helping to make the world a better place, they also demonstrate values and sensitiveness towards inclusion, respect and solidarity.

I couldn’t be  prouder of my boys and girls.


The Class Director, Rute Ribeiro

KA122 TEACHING AND LEARNING TOWARDS AN INCLUSIVE DIGITAL SUSTAINABLE WORLD – another Erasmus+ project by Aver-O-Mar School Group on the road!

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Where to start…

First of all, I am radiant, for having lived an unforgettable experience in my life, where I felt totally happy! It was a week full of adrenaline, with lots of adventures, emotions, moments of laughter, learning and socializing. With this project, I was able to test my knowledges, my ability to communicate with people who are totally different from me, experience new traditions, gastronomy and of course, get out of my comfort zone. The Erasmus+ project is an excellent opportunity in a student’s life. In my opinion, I think that students should be more and more interested in this type of project, because there are no words to sum up the feeling of everything you come up with. It really has to be lived! (Beatriz)

Beatriz’s words reflect the team’s spirit that was experienced during the days spent in Istanbul, from the 11th to the 18th December 2022.

Three students, two accompanying teachers, two jobshadowing teachers and a non-teaching technician – social worker – made up the group. From classroom observation to workshops and meetings to share teaching and learning practices, to higher education and business institutions with innovation and sustainable projects, visits to emblematic places of cultural heritage value, like the Blue Mosque, Galata Tower, Topkapi Palace, where Christian and Muslim religions merge, to contact with students, teachers, parents and others from the local community that welcomed us so well.

Erasmus is, undoubtly, a very well organized and fun project, there is always something to do during the trip, we are always interacting with people. If I could describe this experience in one word it would be, Unique, and remember if you have the opportunity to enrol, take advantage of it, it is an amazing experience. (Diogo)

I think this trip was a unique opportunity. I got to know a new culture, new food, new dance. The regime there is very different from ours, the schools seem more liberal. I really enjoyed being there, it was an amazing and fun trip. (Sara)

The Erasmus+ program is an initiative of the European Union that promotes the mobility of students and teachers between member countries. The school with which we had the opportunity to participate in this initiative was the Sehit Mehmet Yilmaz School in Istanbul, Turkey. An elementary school with inclusive, digital and culturally immersive practices.

The school mobility experience in Istanbul was extremely enriching, both for students and teachers. The exchange of teaching and learning experiences was one of the main advantages of this initiative. We were able to share our pedagogical practices with our Turkish colleagues and at the same time learn from them about their teaching approaches and methodologies. We were able to attend StoryTelling sessions, both in the classroom and at the Storytelling school, where students actively participated in storytelling, thus developing their creativity and drama expression and reading skills. In the classroom, they also use games to consolidate learning in various curricular areas. (Fatima Morais)

Another important advantage of school mobility in Istanbul was the cultural exchange. We had the opportunity to get to know Turkish culture, its history, its gastronomy, its customs and traditions. It was a unique experience that allowed us to broaden cultural horizons and better understand the world we live in – multiculturalism at its best.

In addition, school mobility in Istanbul allowed us to improve language skills, namely the use of English main communication language, not forgetting to practice a little Turkish to learn more about the Turkish language and culture.

In summary, the school mobility in Istanbul was a very important and enriching experience for all of us. The exchange of teaching and learning experiences, cultural exchange and knowledge of linguistic particularities were some of the main benefits of this initiative. Participation in the Erasmus+ program and similar initiatives are unique opportunities for the personal and professional growth of students and teachers. (Prof. Mário Lima)


“Novels will never be wholly imaginary nor wholly real. To read a novel is to confront both the author’s imagination and the real world which surface we scratch with such restless curiosity”. (Source: )


May we end up with the words of the reknowned turkish author Irhan Pamuk: may our minds always be restless for knowledge and our actions satisfy our needs, eager to promote a much better personal and social growth!
