The seismic station installed at the Aver-o-Mar School Group’s headquarters recorded the passage and fall of the meteor that was spotted in the skies in different parts of the country at around 11.45pm yesterday, having fallen in the Castro de Aire area.
At our station, the sonic boom is recorded first, as it passes at the speed of sound, and then the waves of the impact are discernible. The bang was the ‘sonic boom’, i.e. the speed of sound being exceeded.
Remember that both the seismograph and the weather station broadcast 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, so you can follow live the data captured by the dozens of sensors attached to the equipment installed at Aver-o-Mar Primary School. You can access the data from the school’s website (www.aeaveromar.pt), install the version for mobile devices or from the links below.
Direct links to the seismograph: Station view: Raspberry Shake Network & EQ Activity Map
Direct link to weather station: Personal weather station dashboard | Weather Underground (wunderground.com)