

Sustainable Project Developed by 8th graders (C and D)

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Sustainable Project Developed by 8th graders (C and D)

Students from classes 8thC and 8thD took part in the eTwinning project “Sustainable Schools to Survive Climate Change”

This international initiative, which brings together schools from Vila do Conde, Spain and Turkey, has as its main objective to make students aware of the reality of climate change and the urgent need to adopt sustainable attitudes to reverse this worrying scenario.

Through this valuable international partnership, the students have developed both soft skills and essential hard skills. In terms of soft skills, competences such as teamwork, communication in English, creativity and critical thinking were emphasised. As for hard skills, the students worked with Information and Communication Technologies, including the use of videoconferencing tools, presentation software and online collaborative platforms.

On 3th May, a highlight of the project took place: an international online meeting that brought together all the project members. This virtual meeting provided a valuable exchange of ideas and sustainable practices between the participating schools, fostering an environment of collaboration and mutual learning.

With this project, students not only acquired important knowledge and skills, but also learnt to take on the role of agents of change in their community. The initiative not only enriched the school curriculum, but also fostered a critical and and proactive among young people, preparing them to face the environmental challenges of the future.

This eTwinning project shows how education can be a powerful tool for social and environmental transformation, empowering students to contribute to a more sustainable world.

INTERCULTURAL BRIDGES: Brazil, Latvia and Russia at the Aver-o-Mar Elderly Day Centre

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INTERCULTURAL BRIDGES: Brazil, Latvia and Russia at the Aver-o-Mar Elderly Day Centre

The students who are part of the ‘Intercultural Bridges’ project at Aver-o-Mar School once again went to the Aver-o-Mar Occupational Centre to share the culture of Brazil and Latvia on the afternoon of 20 May 2024.

This time, a carer from Brazil, Jackelline Medeiros, accompanied her daughter, Luna Medeiros, and was thrilled to have the opportunity to do what she does best: teach! She told us that in Brazil she was a biology teacher. At the moment, in Portugal, she works in the catering industry, something she views positively, recognising that life as an immigrant is a mixture of a lot of resilience and adaptation, finally stressing that Póvoa de Varzim was the city that welcomed her and that, in fact, ‘It’s good to live here!’.

Both shared the gastronomy of their country, the landscapes (fauna and flora), ethnography and music, with the audience having the opportunity to dance to country music typical of their homeland, Pernambuco (northern Brazil) and to hum along to Roberto Carlos.

The elderly also had the opportunity to learn to speak Russian and Latvian, with a presentation by student Josué Ramos from Latvia. Although they were motivated, they realised how difficult it is to learn a new language, and some of the words they worked on stand out as examples: Hello = Privet (Russian); Sveiki (Latvian).

Latvia, formerly the USSR, still shares Russian influence, not least because most of its citizens speak Russian/Latvian. As a curiosity, the country has the largest waterfall in Europe, located in the town of Kuldiga.

Here are the photographic records of this third session of ‘Intercultural Bridges’, where we can see the attention, involvement, joy and emotion of the audience and speakers.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank Dr Claúdia Vasconcelos and Dr Cátia Rosa, from the Aver-o-Mar Day Care Centre, for the bridges built, where interculturality has no barriers and is a universal language.

Andreia Teixeira

School Social Worker

Aver-o-Mar School World Children’s Day

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Aver-o-Mar School World Children’s Day

At Aver-o-Mar School, World Children’s Day was not forgotten. On 31 May, at the invitation of the Physical Education Group, Jenifer Machado (Dancing Rebels) came to our school to give us a Zumba class.

It was a dance party in which all the students had the chance to take part.

It was thirty minutes of great music, energy and animation… it was a moment where happiness was reflected on the faces of our students!

Isabel Campos

XI Portuguese Language Olympics: Matilde Salgado ranked in the ‘Top Ten’

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XI Portuguese Language Olympics: Matilde Salgado ranked in the ‘Top Ten’

The Aver-o-Mar School Group, through Matilde Salado, was present at the national final of the 11th edition of the Portuguese Language Olympics, where she won an honourable 9th place in the final, among 25 colleagues from continental schools and representatives from the Azores. If his presence in the final phase was already a source of great pride and satisfaction for the community, this ‘Top Ten’ is recognition of his abilities and educational path, as well as family support, other pillars necessary for success.


The 2024 edition, which has now ended, was held in Aveiro on 17 and 18 May 2024, at the Dr. Mário Sacramento Secondary School, on a boarding basis, in the year in which we celebrated the 500th anniversary of the birth of Camões and the 50th anniversary of 25 April 1974. This crossover between the birth of freedom and the modern touch that Camões gave to the

Portuguese language is particularly symbolic of the importance of knowing and celebrating the good use of the Portuguese language in these PLOs, in the same month as World Portuguese Language Day, which is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world – the 4th most widely spoken language in the world – on 5 May. It is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world – the 4th most widely spoken language in the world, the 3rd most widely spoken European language, the 1st language of the Southern Hemisphere and the 5th most widely used language on the Internet, according to the Portuguese Language Observatory – and it is taught, along with Portuguese culture, in 31 countries in Europe, 20 countries in Africa, 10 countries in America, 9 countries in Asia and in Australia, according to data from the Camões Institute.

Congratulations Matilde and thank you to the collaborating teachers.

Final ranking list: Lista_final

More information: APP – XI Portuguese Language Olympics – 3rd phase

‘Meeting …’ David Araújo and Cândida Pinto, RTP reporters

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‘Meeting …’ David Araújo and Cândida Pinto, RTP reporters

On the 24th of May, the ‘Meeting with…’ event took place in the auditorium of the Aver-o-Mar School. David Araújo and Cândida Pinto, RTP reporters.

Candida Pinto spoke to our students via remote control, chatting warmly about her experience in war scenarios, particularly in Ukraine, and then offering to answer any questions they might have. Afterwards, the image reporter who has accompanied Cândida Pinto on many of her trips gave his testimony about his experiences in the days leading up to the war, when the war began and in the time that followed, documenting his account with photographs he took in Ukraine. This event was undoubtedly very enriching and won over the audience, made up of students, teachers and other members of the school community.

At the end of the speeches, the journalists were presented with some simple souvenirs and David Araújo signed our school’s book of honour. Afterwards, they visited the Communication Club, where the members of the Club spoke about their activities.

2024 “Escola da Minha Vida” Project – media contest

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2024 “Escola da Minha Vida” Project – media contest

Students from the Aver-o-Mar School Group took part in another edition of the “Escola da MInha vIda” Project Media Competition.

In the 1st selection phase, which took place at school level, the following finalists were selected:

ü Class A (2nd cycle) – Electronic presentation: o Frida Kahlo – Eduarda Torres (6thA) o Portugal Freguesias – Matilde Moreira (6thD) o Nepal – Ritika Mahato (6thE)

ü Grade B (3rd cycle) – Video/animation: o The power of starting over – Eva Silva (7thA) o Conquering… – Filipe Costa (7thD) o Together and understood – Gabriela Amorim (7thE)

In the 2nd selection phase, the jury appointed by the Organisation analysed the entries and awarded prizes to the three best entries in each category. In class A we didn’t win any prizes and in class B the students from our school group won all three prizes:

ü Level B (3rd cycle) – Video/animation: o First place: A conquista… – Filipe Costa (7thD) o Second place: Juntos e compreendidos – Gabriela Amorim (7thE) o Third place: O poder do recomeço – Eva Silva (7thA)

We would like to thank all the students who took part in the competition for their dedication and congratulate the winning students on the quality of their productions!

David Pires


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Now that the day has come to close the competitions to collect plastic bottle tops and cork stoppers, it’s time to publish and report the results.

Before that, the Eco-Schools Club and its coordinators would like to congratulate and thank everyone who took part in this activity, because more important than the prize is the cause we’ve joined and the fact that each of us is doing a little bit to protect the environment.

As of today, around 1,000 jugs of plastic caps have been delivered to Lipor and 950kg of cork to Continente as part of the ‘Green Cork 2023/2024 cork stopper collection campaign’ promoted by Quercus and Continente.

In terms of results, the big winners are: the NA3A class from the Navais Elementary School, in the plastic bottle cap collection competition, with 444 bottles collected, and the NA1A 1st grade class from the Navais Elementary School, in the cork stopper collection competition, with 300 bottles delivered.

Thus, on 14th June, during the Interculturality Festival – Escola Viva: Ciência em movimento, the students from these classes will receive a diploma recognising their fantastic work, and on 4th June they will receive the grand prize, a study visit to Lipor where they will be able to visit its facilities and enjoy the adventure park.

We would also like to take this opportunity to thank the operational assistants for their involvement and excellent collaboration in the logistics of these competitions, especially the assistants in Hall B, Mrs Delfina and Mrs Rosana.

Although the internal competition is over, this is no reason to give up. We’ll continue to collect and deliver the caps and corks to the school for the good of the environment and our future!

The Eco-Schools coordinators

Filipe Santos and Sandra Pinheiro

Organic vegetable garden and orchard at Aldeia Elementary School in Aguçadoura

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Organic vegetable garden and orchard at Aldeia Elementary School in Aguçadoura

Video with outdoor classes, held on the 23rd of May, highlighting the planting of vegetables and fruit trees!

This was another activity organised by EB Aldeia, part of the Aver-o-Mar School Group, with the involvement of the community, which we’re pleased to see! Video:


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After learning on 14 May that we were one of the 10 national finalist schools in the Galp Energy Up 2024 project, we set off for Lisbon with renewed enthusiasm, having already won first prize twice.

We came with the certainty that we would be on the podium, but when we saw the three podium places awarded in each of the three categories, we were surprised… There was even some dismay among the students, as we didn’t go on stage, until the Galp Energy UP 2024 Grand Prize was announced and the name ‘Escola Básica de Aver-o-Mar’ was

announced!!! The joy was contagious and the shouts given in Lisbon, at the Pavilion of Knowledge, were heard in the Aver-o-Mar Grouping, throughout the city of Póvoa de Varzim!!!

We are the winners of the Grand Prize, awarded to the school that obtained the best score in all the competition criteria (prize not cumulative with the 1st place prizes per school level). In other words, the jury made up of Future Up partners (“ADENE – Agência para a Energia”, “APA – Agência Portuguesa do Ambiente”, “DGE – Direção Geral de Educação”), a media partner, a civil society representative from an NGO – Galp Solar (Galp group company) and the Galp Foundation, awarded our project the best score on all the criteria: the relationship and suitability of the solutions to the theme of efficiency in energy consumption.

(20 per cent); the relationship and appropriateness between the problems identified and the solutions applied with regard to energy efficiency (25 per cent); the innovation shown in the proposed solutions (10 per cent); the quality of the execution and implementation of the solutions (15 per cent); interdisciplinarity (including the ENEC domains) and transversality in the development of the project (10 per cent); the involvement of the community/partnerships (10 per cent); the conditions created for the continuity/sustainability of the solutions in the schools (5 per cent); the potential for replicability of the solutions (5 per cent).

The prize awarded corresponds to an installation of Galp solar panels, up to €20,000.00. It is estimated that this investment value allows for the installation of solar panels up to a maximum installed power of 30 kWp, a value that will be confirmed depending on the existing conditions, an investment that will be very important in terms of energy consumption in a school that has been committed to energy efficiency and sustainability in its projects, which are constantly being developed and updated.

The ceremony ended with a surprise, much to the delight of the hundreds of young people, with a performance by singer Diogo Piçarra. It was one of the most recorded and participated moments, not forgetting the morning visits to the exhibitions at the Pavilion of Knowledge and the direct action in experiments in the Chemistry Laboratory, where the students from Aver-o-Mar also proved to be good experts! Before returning, after a quick visit to the ‘Parque das Nações’ area, there was still time to taste the typical Belém custard tarts and enjoy an ice cream, not forgetting the dozens of photos and interviews given (to various reporters from the organisation, MegaHits, Observador, Jornal Económico…) so this was undoubtedly an unforgettable day for the students involved, who represented all their classmates.


Last but not least, Pedro Fernandes’ mention on RFM, shortly after 6pm and with the broadcast already being heard in the van on the way back, of the students from Aver-o-Mar Primary School, the big winners of EnergyUp 2024. On arrival, almost 16 hours after

leaving, and with parents already waiting, one last record, this time with a ‘mug’, 3D printed by António Cunha, was, after all, we have always won this challenge!

For the past five years, the Energy Up Prize has honoured schools that have developed exemplary projects in the areas of energy transition, sustainable mobility and more efficient energy consumption. This year, 80 applications were submitted, from schools all over the country, so this is an achievement that we believe fills the whole region with pride.

The Energy Up Award is an integral part of the Future Up Education Programme, which has the institutional support of the Directorate-General for Education (DGE), the Directorate-General for Energy and Geology (DGEG), the Portuguese Environment Agency (APA) and the Energy Agency (ADENE), and for the 2022-2024 biennium will be co-financed by the Energy Services Regulatory Authority (ERSE), as part of the Plan to Promote Efficiency in Energy Consumption. This Galp Foundation programme has already mobilised 21,000 schools across the country, mainland Portugal and the islands, impacting more than 2.2 million teachers and students.

The school submitted the Apolo Up project to the competition (an evolution of previous projects, which were developed using funds won in previous editions), in an application drawn up by the headmaster, Carlos Gomes de Sá, the social worker, Andreia Teixeira, with António Cunha as head of the Robotics Club, as well as the involvement of dozens of students and teachers directly involved in the project, in particular teachers Filipe Santos and Fátima Morais, who coordinate two other IoT projects that were national finalists in a Synopsis competition.

The school thanks all its partners and especially Póvoa de Varzim City Council for the support it has always given to the different activities and, in particular, for travelling to this award, believing that we represent the entire municipality in an exemplary way

The final video can be seen at the following link: Apolo UP AE Aver o Mar – YouTube

A video with records of this memorable day will be published soon, but we’ll leave you with a few records for now!

Students from Aver-o-Mar win 2nd and 3rd places in the ‘Speed of the Sun’ City Race

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Students from Aver-o-Mar win 2nd and 3rd places in the ‘Speed of the Sun’ City Race

Today, at the Monte de S. Brás Ecological Park, the ‘At the Speed of the Sun’ municipal race was held, involving schools from the municipalities of Póvoa de Varzim, Vila do Conde and Matosinhos. The students from Aver-o-Mar shone, winning 2nd and 3rd place in the competition and taking their school all the way to the final.

The ‘At the Speed of the Sun’ project aims to design and build solar vehicles made up of photovoltaic panels and motors. This project was developed during the Physical Chemistry and Personal Development Workshop (PDO) classes and was a catalyst for the development of skills in science, technology and technical knowledge.

The ‘At the Speed of the Sun’ project not only celebrates the students’ ability to create innovative solutions, but also reflects a collective commitment to a more sustainable and conscious world. The 8th C students are to be congratulated for their dedication and commitment to building the solar cars, demonstrating the talent and creativity of our school community.

Graça Pinheiro
