


By | Activities, Clubs, communication-clubs, Highlights | No Comments

The Aver-o-Mar School Media Club and the curricular area Citizenship and Development have opened their doors to all students to take part in the European Youth Film Jury in partnership with the Portuguese Film Academy and the European Film Award since 2019.

After a training session with the project’s coordinator and vice-president of the Portuguese Film Academy, Carla Chambel, the students act as jury members for films directed by young people from the various countries that make up the European map. Over the years, the Young Audience Award (YAA) has grown under the umbrella of the European Film Club (EFC), a European film club created by young people who passed through the Young Audience Award and continued to want to see, debate and learn more about the richness of European cinema and its authors. This project now covers 12 to 19 year olds and aims to empower students in film literacy by allowing young people from all over the continent to come together to watch and discuss European films and share their own in a spirit of European citizenship. The films tell every conceivable human story, providing an insight into the lives of others, different cultures and what it means to be European.

The Portuguese Film Academy (PFA) continues to embrace this project of training young audiences and encouraging them to have the power to choose, debate and add their opinions and concerns, and once again our students took part.

To have a higher celebration, our 8th and 7th graders signed up together with young people from all over Europe to take part in various initiatives related to European cinema, fulfilling the international programme.

In the original group there is a Portuguese representative, 18-year-old Maria Bacelar, who has made it all the way through the YAA, as a jury member, reporter, Jury Speaker and her passion for cinema has taken her to Erfurt, Germany, in 2022, to be a presenter at the official YAA ceremony, alongside Emmerson, a colleague from the UK. To represent Póvoa de Varzim, Sara Cortesão, a 7th grade student from Aver-o-Mar School Group, was selected. She bravely travelled to Lisbon in the company of her parents to act as Jury Speaker on 5 November, along with her peers from the other countries, as she did last year. We are proud to thank Sara and her family for their commitment to this activity.


Well done, Sara!

The National Police Force promotes a session on “Bullying is for weaklings”

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On 16th October, as a result of the partnership between PSP-Safe School, the Health and Civil Protection Club and the Citizenship and Development Coordinator, all 8th grade students attended the session “Bullying is for weaklings”.

The involvement of the participating students and the positive impact that this initiative has on their lives and on the school environment itself stand out.

We can’t end without mentioning the importance of the ongoing work that has been done in recent years in our school to fight bullying and the extremely important participation of the Safe School Police Programme, whom we would like to thank for their availability and support.

We also note the award by the GED of School Without Bullying | School Without Violence” label  2023/24.


By | Clubs, Health and Civil Protection, Highlights | No Comments

On 17th October, at Aver-o-Mar School, the Health Club held an activity called “Colourful Sandwiches” to commemorate World Food Day. Its aims were to help raise awareness of the importance of knowing how to eat in a balanced and varied way; to teach the school community how to consume healthy food; to raise awareness of the benefits of vegetables and to create a dynamic that allows students to experiment, discover and adopt healthier eating behaviours.

The activity consisted of making cheese, ham and tuna sandwiches to which lettuce, tomatoes and carrots were added

For this activity we had the invaluable help of FÁBRICA DE CONSERVAS A POVEIRA and two of the parents of the 9th A students, Guilherme Santos and Matilde Salgado. The school, the Health Club and the entire educational community would like to thank them for their generous support

The Health Club relied on the active and committed collaboration of the 9th A class.

As in previous years, this activity was very successful and our students said that making this type of sandwich should happen more often throughout the year.

To celebrate World Food Day on 20 October, the Health Club organised two workshops for teachers (9.50am-3rd grade; 10.45am-2nd grade) on “Oat muffins with blueberries/apple/chocolate”, with the aim of sharing a simple and healthy recipe, taking advantage of the opportunity to provide a healthy atmosphere for socialising.


The Health Club

Health and Civil Protection Club: canteen access guidelines

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As the new school year gets underway, the Health and Civil Protection Club has restarted its usual lunchtime canteen support service.

During the first week of school, all the 5th graders attended an information session, organised by teacher Isabel Campos, where they were explained the dynamics of accessing and using the canteen. This session highlighted the regulations on circulation and cleanliness, as well as the calm and healthy atmosphere that this space is meant to provide, without disregarding healthy eating and the fight against food waste.

The canteen, in addition to the service provided by the employees of the company responsible for the meals, under the coordination of Mrs Silvana, has the daily attendance of teachers from the Health and Civil Protection Club, as well as operational assistants, who also help with queuing for service.

UBUNTU Welcoming

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The Ubuntu Leaders Academy is an innovative non-formal education programme that has been tested in a wide range of national and international contexts in several training periods.

The project is designed to empower people with high leadership potential, through an inner journey that challenges the way each person sees themselves and interacts with others, making them willing, as Gandhi said, to fight for the change they want to see in the world.

The Ethics of Care is one of the Ubuntu axis, so this year the Aver-o-Mar School Group held a different kick-off to the new school year! It has been decided to set up the Ubuntu Welcoming, an initiative that aims to bring the Ubuntu ethos to the start of the 2023/2024 school year.

Between 8 and 18 September, various activities were organised for teachers, non-teaching staff and students in our school. The aim was to: encourage the integration of the school community in this new school year; stimulate self-knowledge, mutual recognition and the visibility of all the members of our educational community; foster a relationship and school environment based on empathy and the ethics of care; create a suitable context for the development of positive relationships and, finally, promote and strengthen ties between students, teachers, psychologists, technical staff and non-teaching staff.

Erasmus+ AE Aver-o-Mar Journeys

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On the morning of the 20th of July, between 9 am and 12 noon, the first Erasmus+ Seminar took place in the AE of Aver-o-Mar, promoted by the Erasmus+ team, with project coordinator Marta Antunes as moderator.

With an enriching program, the morning became a space for conversation and sharing of various experiences in the Erasmus+ program and, for this purpose, it was worth the contribution of some schools in the municipality of Póvoa de Varzim, CFAE Póvoa de Varzim/Vila do Conde and the opinion of teachers and students involved in several Key Actions of the program.

The seminar began with the intervention of the sub-director of the Grouping, Helena Costa, who, in addition to recognizing the importance of Erasmus+ projects in the dynamics of schools, also focused on the challenges that arise in the scope of managing the human resources involved in them.

The president of CAFAE Póvoa de Varzim/Vila do Conde, Luís Fernandes, directed his intervention to the importance of Erasmus+ projects in teacher training. During his intervention, he publicized the Erasmus+ project starting this year, Continue Up, which involves the center and the School Education Gateway, among other partners, and whose focus is intervention in the initial and continuous training of teachers. The Aver-o-Mar School Group will be one of the associated partners in this innovative project in the field of training.

In municipal terms, Rocha Peixoto Secondary School, Cego do Maio School Grouping and Rates School Grouping were present, respectively through the voice of Albina Maia, Ana Cristina Ribeiro and Anabela Aguiar, who shared their projects, potentialities, constraints and challenges, within the scope of Key Actions 1 and 2 of the Erasmus+ programme.

After a short break, the Erasmus+ team from Aver-O-Mar intervened presenting the results of the Erasmus+ project “Teaching and Learning Towards an Inclusive, Digital and Sustainable World”. Fátima Morais represented the teaching view of this work experience, while the Social Action technician Andreia Teixeira the social gaze, of those who participated in mobilities, under a jobshadowing regime, in three different moments, namely, Turkey, Slovenia and Italy. Through their intervention, it was possible for those present to better understand what this type of mobility consists of, the professional advantages it offers, as well as their experience in the schools of the countries that welcomed them. They highlighted the good practices observed in the classroom, the practices and responses in the social, cultural, digital and environmental domain that are developed in partner institutions, the bonds that were promoted between professionals, issues related to communication, and others. This was a training reality that took place for the first time at AE Aver-O-Mar but which we hope can happen again involving more teaching and non-teaching staff.

It was time to give voice to the students, and accompanying teachers, about the experience and the impact that these projects had on their personal and academic lives. Everyone was unanimous in what a memory for life will be like: because they traveled abroad for the first time, established new friendships, left their comfort zone, applied academic knowledge such as communicating in English and other, learned about new cultures, habits and customs. It was certainly a highlight of this morning for sharing good practices.

Finally, the vision that the partners have about our Grouping, as a host, the work developed in partnership and the lessons learned was presented. Through recordings of testimonies, partner teachers and students left their gaze on Aver-O-Mar. We are happy to know that they felt satisfied and fulfilled with the reception and the pedagogical and cultural programs that they experienced in our country, that is, in our school.

The seminar ended with the intervention of the President of the Parents Association, Carlos Pinheiro, who congratulated the AE’s initiative in participating in this European program; the president of the General Council of the group who highlighted the added value that the projects represent for the academic development of the students, as well as for their personal growth as citizens of a global Europe, and also for the professional updating of the teaching and technical staff; finally, the Vice-President of Póvoa de Varzim City Council, Dr Luís Diamantino, congratulated the Group for the initiative of organizing this seminar, for its action in favor of the internationalization of educational practices and for the commitment of its professionals; he also highlighted the groupings present for their work, highlighting the impact that their action has been having on students, the schools and the community in general.

This was certainly a fruitful morning, extended to the county community, which boosted the dissemination of innovative practices, European-level dynamics whose main objective is to improve teaching and learning in the municipality of Póvoa de Varzim.


The Erasmus+ group of AE Aver-O-Mar

Aver-o-Mar School’s weather station now broadcasting online!

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You can now see the weather forecast for the current time and +24 hours!

In an entirely “in-door” work, this station is being developed by the Robotics Club of the School, under António Cunha’s supervision, providing already, on line and in real time, data concerning temperature, air moisture and air pressure.

Soon, data available to the community will be extended to include UV radiation values, wind intensity, speed and direction, pluviometric index, air quality, CO2 level in the air and visibility, with some graphic adjustments still being made.

Based on all this information, the site provides a forecast, adjusted to the historical values, which is an extremely revealing feature for the local community, given the update and reliability of the data.

The station is being developed to be powered by solar energy, a later detailed project.

To access the station data, click on the following link and then on the image that will appear in the new window Weather Station – Agrupamento de Escolas Aver o Mar (


You can directly access the data from the weather station, by clicking on the icon available on the site, on the top right corner.

Aver-o-Mar School’s weather station now broadcasting online!

By | Clubs, Highlights | No Comments

You can now see the weather forecast for the current time and +24 hours!

In an entirely “in-door” work, this station is being developed by the Robotics Club of the School, under António Cunha’s supervision, providing already, on line and in real time, data concerning temperature, air moisture and air pressure.

Soon, data available to the community will be extended to include UV radiation values, wind intensity, speed and direction, pluviometric index, air quality, CO2 level in the air and visibility, with some graphic adjustments still being made.

Based on all this information, the site provides a forecast, adjusted to the historical values, which is an extremely revealing feature for the local community, given the update and reliability of the data.

The station is being developed to be powered by solar energy, a later detailed project.

To access the station data, click on the following link and then on the image that will appear in the new window Weather Station – Agrupamento de Escolas Aver o Mar (


You can directly access the data from the weather station, by clicking on the icon available on the site, on the top right corner.

2nd Inter-Schools Tournament 22-23: Póvoa de Varzim Schools Group 2 Badminton

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The 2nd Inter-Schools Tournament 22-23 took place in the morning of the 29th April, at  Rates School.

Age Group: Children A and B, Male and Female.

Schools involved:   Beiriz School, Aver-o-Mar School, Cego do Maio School and Rates School.

Participants: 29 male athletes and 19 female athletes.

The 2nd Inter-Schools Tournament 22-23 took place on the 29th April, at  Rates School.

An excellent cut-up day, full of animation, energy, socializing… and many good surprises!



This sport is still a tradition in this Grouping and the excellent results are recurrent year after year. This time there was even an overwhelming control over other schools, as can be seen by the results below!


Our students are unstoppable, with an excellent technical and tactic evolution. Likewise their motivation and passion for the sport is evident. They overcame themselves and reversed some results of the 1st round, leaving the others speechless.




Girls – A Female 1st place – Letícia Rigor (5ºF)

Boys – A Male 1st ranked player – David Silva (5ºF)

Girls –  B Female 1st and 3rd ranked players – Sofia Ferreira (6ºF), Gabriela Amorim (6ºF)

Boys 1st and 2nd ranked players – Afonso Almeida (6thD), Bekhruz Mammatkulov (6thB).


The highlight of the season is approaching: last day → Final CLDE Porto Boys and Girls A and B – 27th May at  Garcia de Orta SEcondary School in Porto.

The good quality level of this year 2022-23, allows us to predict great results in the Final District.  It is worth remembering that our Group of Schools P. Varzim 2, has been dominating this age group in the District of Porto, in the last few years!  We know, however, that we have respectable competitors in the Group of Schools of Vila do Conde (our athletes from Póvoa’s Sports Club). It will be, certainly, a fierce fight with the approach to the final stage of this round.


By Pedro Mattos
