
Health and Civil Protection

The National Police Force promotes a session on “Bullying is for weaklings”

By | Activities, Clubs, Health and Civil Protection, Highlights | No Comments

On 16th October, as a result of the partnership between PSP-Safe School, the Health and Civil Protection Club and the Citizenship and Development Coordinator, all 8th grade students attended the session “Bullying is for weaklings”.

The involvement of the participating students and the positive impact that this initiative has on their lives and on the school environment itself stand out.

We can’t end without mentioning the importance of the ongoing work that has been done in recent years in our school to fight bullying and the extremely important participation of the Safe School Police Programme, whom we would like to thank for their availability and support.

We also note the award by the GED of School Without Bullying | School Without Violence” label  2023/24.


By | Clubs, Health and Civil Protection, Highlights | No Comments

On 17th October, at Aver-o-Mar School, the Health Club held an activity called “Colourful Sandwiches” to commemorate World Food Day. Its aims were to help raise awareness of the importance of knowing how to eat in a balanced and varied way; to teach the school community how to consume healthy food; to raise awareness of the benefits of vegetables and to create a dynamic that allows students to experiment, discover and adopt healthier eating behaviours.

The activity consisted of making cheese, ham and tuna sandwiches to which lettuce, tomatoes and carrots were added

For this activity we had the invaluable help of FÁBRICA DE CONSERVAS A POVEIRA and two of the parents of the 9th A students, Guilherme Santos and Matilde Salgado. The school, the Health Club and the entire educational community would like to thank them for their generous support

The Health Club relied on the active and committed collaboration of the 9th A class.

As in previous years, this activity was very successful and our students said that making this type of sandwich should happen more often throughout the year.

To celebrate World Food Day on 20 October, the Health Club organised two workshops for teachers (9.50am-3rd grade; 10.45am-2nd grade) on “Oat muffins with blueberries/apple/chocolate”, with the aim of sharing a simple and healthy recipe, taking advantage of the opportunity to provide a healthy atmosphere for socialising.


The Health Club

Health and Civil Protection Club: canteen access guidelines

By | Health and Civil Protection, Highlights | No Comments

As the new school year gets underway, the Health and Civil Protection Club has restarted its usual lunchtime canteen support service.

During the first week of school, all the 5th graders attended an information session, organised by teacher Isabel Campos, where they were explained the dynamics of accessing and using the canteen. This session highlighted the regulations on circulation and cleanliness, as well as the calm and healthy atmosphere that this space is meant to provide, without disregarding healthy eating and the fight against food waste.

The canteen, in addition to the service provided by the employees of the company responsible for the meals, under the coordination of Mrs Silvana, has the daily attendance of teachers from the Health and Civil Protection Club, as well as operational assistants, who also help with queuing for service.
