VIII Educational and Social Days – 8th June
The Aver-o-Mar School Group will be holding its 8th Social and Educational Conference on 8 June at the Póvoa de Varzim Municipal Auditorium.
The meeting, which has the collaboration of the Póvoa de Varzim Municipality and the Póvoa de Varzim and Vila do Conde Schools Training Centre, is supported by the companies Grupo CCR and Quantal SA, entities with a strong social responsibility in the environment where they are based, and its main motto is: Can you / do you want to change the world
The doors open at 8.30am and the session begins 15 minutes later with a musical performance by the musician and singer Mira Couto. Carlos Gomes de Sá, director of the school, and Luís Diamantino, vice-president of Póvoa de Varzim City Council, will be responsible for the opening session, in a day that is expected to be well attended by teachers and non-teachers, as the session is open to the community, although prior registration (free of charge) is mandatory, via the links below, and depending on the capacity of the space.
Over the course of the morning, a debate will be organised around three panels, two of which will ask a new question: “Can we overcome the barriers of the world?” In this context, we will learn about Paulo Azevedo’s certainly impactful presentation, “Difficult does not mean impossible”, as well as David Freitas’ impactful journey, with the project “On the route of the Peoples”.
Andreia Teixeira, a social worker at the Aver-o-Mar School Group, will invite those present to take a journey through the seven previous sessions at these Days which, when they began, were far from imagining that one day they would go out of doors! But the range of speakers led the organisation to believe that their auditorium would be insufficient, as it is believed that the panel “Technologies at school: ignoring, integrating, making responsible” will provide a very interesting debate on the subject. Moderating this panel will be Vila do Conde City Council’s Councillor for Education, Carla Peixoto, with the following speeches as a starting point: “Digital in teacher training”, by Luís Fernandes, director of CFAE Póvoa de Varzim/ Vila do Conde; “Technologies in school: naturalisation vs demonisation” will be discussed by Professor Marco Bento; Professor Carlos Neto, well known for his advocacy of physical activity in schools, will present a paper on “Play in the digital age”.
Who knows if the first requirement for changing the world isn’t the will?
Don’t miss out on this discussion. Register now, as places are limited.
Poster and Programme: VIII Conference_final_poster 17.04
Registration (using the QrCode on the poster or the links below:
Teachers (STC): Article (webprodesign.pt
General public: Article (webprodesign.pt)