

VIII Educational and Social Days – 8th June

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VIII Educational and Social Days – 8th June


The Aver-o-Mar School Group will be holding its 8th Social and Educational Conference on 8 June at the Póvoa de Varzim Municipal Auditorium.

The meeting, which has the collaboration of the Póvoa de Varzim Municipality and the Póvoa de Varzim and Vila do Conde Schools Training Centre, is supported by the companies Grupo CCR and Quantal SA, entities with a strong social responsibility in the environment where they are based, and its main motto is: Can you / do you want to change the world

The doors open at 8.30am and the session begins 15 minutes later with a musical performance by the musician and singer Mira Couto. Carlos Gomes de Sá, director of the school, and Luís Diamantino, vice-president of Póvoa de Varzim City Council, will be responsible for the opening session, in a day that is expected to be well attended by teachers and non-teachers, as the session is open to the community, although prior registration (free of charge) is mandatory, via the links below, and depending on the capacity of the space.

Over the course of the morning, a debate will be organised around three panels, two of which will ask a new question: “Can we overcome the barriers of the world?” In this context, we will learn about Paulo Azevedo’s certainly impactful presentation, “Difficult does not mean impossible”, as well as David Freitas’ impactful journey, with the project “On the route of the Peoples”.

Andreia Teixeira, a social worker at the Aver-o-Mar School Group, will invite those present to take a journey through the seven previous sessions at these Days which, when they began, were far from imagining that one day they would go out of doors! But the range of speakers led the organisation to believe that their auditorium would be insufficient, as it is believed that the panel “Technologies at school: ignoring, integrating, making responsible” will provide a very interesting debate on the subject. Moderating this panel will be Vila do Conde City Council’s Councillor for Education, Carla Peixoto, with the following speeches as a starting point: “Digital in teacher training”, by Luís Fernandes, director of CFAE Póvoa de Varzim/ Vila do Conde; “Technologies in school: naturalisation vs demonisation” will be discussed by Professor Marco Bento; Professor Carlos Neto, well known for his advocacy of physical activity in schools, will present a paper on “Play in the digital age”.

Who knows if the first requirement for changing the world isn’t the will?

Don’t miss out on this discussion. Register now, as places are limited.

Poster and Programme: VIII Conference_final_poster 17.04

Registration (using the QrCode on the poster or the links below:

Teachers (STC): Article (

General public: Article (


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The school group received an invitation to take part in the “National Digital Citizenship Meeting – SeguraNet | 15 years of safe surfing” in Santarém on 15 May. As well as a programme with a variety of workshops, there will be an awards ceremony, to which we have been specifically invited, since, according to the email received, the school was the winner in the 2022/23 school year of the “SeguraNet Challenges” initiative.

The email also contains the following information:

“The Directorate-General for Education, through the SeguraNet Awareness Centre, is promoting, on 15 May 2024, between 9:30 and 18:30, the National Meeting of Digital Citizenship – SeguraNet I twenty years sailing safely, which will take place on the premises of the Escola Superior Agrária de Santarém (ESAS).

The event will follow a seminar format, with panels and plenary sessions led by national and European experts, and there will also be themed workshops with the main objective of “Promoting the Well-being of Children and Young People in the Digital Age”. It will also include an Awards Ceremony for the initiatives promoted by the SeguraNet Awareness Centre. It will also include a lunch, according to the provisional programme.”

Congratulations to everyone involved.

Póvoa de Varzim City Council and Aver-o-Mar School Group chosen for national joint project: Family Reading

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Póvoa de Varzim City Council and Aver-o-Mar School Group chosen for national joint project: Family Reading

The City Council of Póvoa de Varzim has been selected to apply for the Family Reading Programme, an initiative in partnership with the Aver-o-Mar School Group, and all parties involved are delighted with this approval.

This national programme aims to provide families with the skills and motivation to read with children and young people and is based on four pillars: research; training mediators; actions to empower families to read; and the Family Reading festival. It provides for liaison between families, schools, the municipal library and the municipal social network, all of which were already provided for in the application phase, which included four phases:

Phase 1

– Launch of a research study into existing family reading practices.

– Municipalities apply to the Family Reading Programme, setting up a team comprising a teacher librarian, a municipal librarian and a member of the social network.

Phase 2

– Training of teacher librarians and municipal librarians (45 municipalities by 2024).

– Allocation of PNL funding.

Phase 3

– Organisation of training activities for families in the municipalities.

– Family Reading Festival 2024 (PNL, RBE, DGAE).

Phase 4

– Launch of the Great Family Reading Game in 2025.

Family reading is a strong predictor of students’ success at school and their relationship with books, which led the National Reading Plan to reformulate the existing project aimed at families, centred on access to books via loans. This expansion from an action to a structural programme allows for intervention that empowers families and creates a connection with books and reading for adults and children, in their homes and in the communities in which they live.  The family is the basic nucleus of children’s emotional, social and cognitive development. Reading as a family promotes essential literacy skills, builds emotional relationships and creates reading habits.

Having access to books is fundamental, but it’s not enough. You have to know how to choose it and read it together. Realising that the need for access to books is complementary to training in reading and its mediation, the Family Reading programme has now taken on a broader dimension, integrating research, training of trainers, training of families, access to books and participation.

The Family Reading programme is based on the strategy that the National Reading Plan has been implementing: developing reading skills and habits in the territories, training mediators and disseminating practices according to the specific needs of each community.

In 2025, the aim is for this programme to be nationwide, by making reading challenges available in digital format, allowing everyone to take part, which is why this partnership is so important for the school.

Aver-o-Mar in the headlines of the World with new scientific article by António Cunha

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Aver-o-Mar in the headlines of the World with new scientific article by António Cunha


Aver-o-Mar School Group has once again had its name registered in a worldwide scientific publication (International Journal of Scientific and Management Research), through a new publication co-authored by António Cunha, working with colleagues from Rondonia, Brazil.

Entitled “Hedy Lamarr Mother of Cell Phone and Wifi Mobile Connection: from Cinema Screens to Wireless Network Communicatio”, this eleven-page article tells the story of a technological legacy left by the Austrian newsagent: Hedy Lamarr.

Access to the article: Hedy Lamarr Mother of Cell Phone and Wifi Mobile Connection: from Cinema Screens to Wireless Network Communication (

Access to the journal: Hedy Lamarr Mother of Cell Phone and Wifi Mobile Connection: from Cinema Screens to Wireless Network Communication – International Journal of Scientific and Management Research (

The previous publication, published on 19 February, was in the International Journal of Scientific Research and Public Management, which, in that day’s edition, contained a scientific article entitled “Alan Turing’s History and Legacy for Computer Science”, co-authored by António Santos, a computer technician at this school for the last two years, which can be accessed via the following link:

Scientific article “Alan Turing’s History and Legacy for Computer Science” – School Group Aver o Mar (

School Group’s website presents publication no. 1000

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School Group’s website presents publication no. 1000


Redesigned in January 2017, the website of the Aver-o-Mar School Group (, which until then had been in Joomla language, was now in WordPress, completely renovated and redesigned, and was then a benchmark in terms of school websites.

In addition to a reserved area, accessible only to accredited users, the site contained (and maintains) a ticket system for recording anomalies, which allows for better monitoring of needs and repairs, and has a public repository of numerous documents, including plans, assessment criteria, regulations and other guiding documents. Its structure was eventually followed by other institutions, which we welcome, as it is a recognition of the design made at the time.

Since then, there has been a whole evolution, including the adaptation of the site when it came to online teaching, due to the COVID pandemic, with additional needs to readjust the model, either due to lack of storage capacity or to be more responsive on cell phones and tablets. It has also met new “relatives”, in this case Teams, an internal communication platform that is very agile and accessible to all students, teachers and staff of the school, within the scope of the institutional email that is made available.

In January 2024, we entered a new phase, with a change of domain ( and new hosting capacities, and a redesign of the site is beginning, which will be developed throughout the 2nd and 3rd periods, highlighting, in this analysis of content to be maintained/adjusted, which we have been developing this past month, and almost seven years and one month after the 1st publication (news from the then Music Club, on 03.02.2017) our publication number 1000!!!

It’s an achievement that we want to mark, with the publication of February 29th (also an atypical date), with the title “Civil Protection Day – March 1st”, whose image illustrates this publication, which is already number 1007!

The publication of news/information has been a constant over the years, because it’s important to publicize what we do and, without false modesty, what we do well!

Who better to talk about the school than the school itself?!

Accessing the site, the search function (magnifying glass in the top right-hand corner) will allow you to travel back in time, along with current documents, while a subscription-based newsletter is being developed that will automatically send notifications when something is published, so that no data is lost.


Since April 2021, the site has also had a multilingual version, with in-house translation of the news published into English, French and Spanish (through the helpful collaboration of teachers Fátima Cunha [English] and Maria José Crasto [French]; we are currently limited to Spanish), so it is a vehicle for communication between members of the community, and we congratulate, on the occasion of this thousandth publication, all those who made and make the Agrupamento de Escolas de Aver-o-Mar.


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On the afternoon of the 1st of March, and as part of the Civil Protection Day celebrations, the school signed a cooperation agreement with the Póvoa de Varzim municipality in the field of civil protection.


The signing, which took place as part of the presentation of the Meteorological Station and Seismograph (see news on this topic on the school’s website), was done by Carlos Gomes de Sá, the school’s director, and the councillor for the Environment and Civil Protection, Dr. Sílvia Silva, who highlighted the work that the school has been doing in this area of the environment and Civil Protection.

Nearly 100 students attended the session, which was concluded by Dr. Ângela Seixas, who is responsible for Municipal Civil Protection, highlighting the work being done by the students of the Health and Civil Protection Club, coordinated by Professor Luís Almeida, safety delegate, and the Robotics Club, supervised by teachers Fátima Morais and António Cunha, who have also been developing work in this area at primary school level, in conjunction with the class teachers, as detailed in this session (see separate article on the work of each of these Clubs).

The signing, which took place as part of the presentation of the Meteorological Station and Seismograph (see news on this topic on the school’s website), was done by Carlos Gomes de Sá, the school’s principal, and the councillor for the Environment and Civil Protection, Dr. Sílvia Silva, who highlighted the work being done by the school in this environmental and Civil Protection area.

Nearly 100 students attended the session, which was closed by Dr. Ângela Seixas, who is responsible for Municipal Civil Protection, highlighting the work being done by the students of the Health and Civil Protection Club, coordinated by Professor Luís Almeida, safety delegate, and the Robotics Club, supervised by teachers Fátima Morais and António Cunha, who have also been developing work in this area at primary school level, in conjunction with the class teachers, as detailed in this session (see separate article on the work of each of these Clubs). The ceremony was broadcast by students from the Communication Club via the school’s Teams, allowing it to be viewed by all the schools in the school, in a process that is constantly being improved and developed, using the Club’s own equipment and that of the Digital Education Laboratory (LED).

The partnership agreement now signed will enable the municipality to receive data from the Grouping’s weather station, specifically relating to atmospheric pressure, air humidity, air temperature, dew point, rain gauge, instantaneous and gust speed and wind direction, providing real-time data (data also available on the Grouping’s website and WheatherUnderground network); information is also available from a seismograph, based on two-axis geophones and a nine-axis gyroscope, to be connected to the Pishake network, as well as data extracted from air quality sensors (sensors with PM2. 0 sensitivity [detect 0.3 to 10µm concentration of particles and dioxide, monoxide and nitroxide gases], and brightness and light spectrum sensors, including UV radiation (Vishay Semiconductor Opto Division VEML6070).

Therefore, and considering that both institutions strive to disseminate knowledge and involve the school community in risk and civil protection issues, focusing on motivating and recognizing the work of students, the PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT between the SMPC and the AEAVM aims to ensure collaboration between the two entities that proposes challenges to students, on the part of the SMPC, to be carried out within the scope of teaching activities, projects and/or clubs at the AEAVM.

CITY EDUCATION COUNCIL:  create more 1st cycle classes at the Aver-o-Mar school

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CITY EDUCATION COUNCIL:  create more 1st cycle classes at the Aver-o-Mar school


On February 27th, a meeting of the Municipal Education Council was held, a municipal body in which the Director of the School Grouping and a representative of the General Council, Carlos Gomes de Sá and Filipe Santos, respectively, sit.

At this meeting, chaired by the Mayor, Eng Aires Pereira, the proposal to extend the school network to 2024/25 was approved, to be sent to the DGEstE. In the case of the Grouping, it is planned to create two additional classes in Refojos (1st and 2nd year) and one in Agro Velho (1st year), in addition to increasing the school network for pre-school education. This expansion of the network essentially aims to meet current demand, while also allowing children to be placed closer to their home area in the future.

Complete article: Municipality creates 200 more places in schools, nurseries and kindergartens in the municipality – C.M. da Póvoa de Varzim (

National Civil Protection System Day!

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National Civil Protection System Day!

Aver-o-Mar School Group joins in the celebration of Civil Protection Day, which takes place every year on March 1st.

This event, established worldwide by the International Civil Protection Organization (ICPO) and at national level by order of the Minister of Internal Affairs, through Order 6915/2008 of February 21st, is an important occasion to acknowledge the work of emergency and civil protection professionals, who work for the safety of citizens, the environment and heritage.

Bearing this in mind, the school group, through students from the 3rd year of Agro Velho, who will travel via the UNIR transport network, will visit the exhibition at Passeio Alegre, with equipment, safety, protection and rescue vehicles from the Póvoa de Varzim Municipal Civil Protection Service, and in the afternoon, at the main school, a cooperation agreement will be signed with the municipality, taking into account the work that the school group has been doing in this area, which has now been reinforced with a weather station and a seismometer.

In fact, the Aver-o-Mar School Group has a weather station, with information on atmospheric pressure, air humidity, air temperature, condensation point, rain gauge, instantaneous and gust speed and wind direction, providing real-time data, available on the Group’s website and the WheatherUnderground network; a seismograph is also being installed, based on two-axis geophones and a nine-axis gyroscope, to be connected to the Pishake network, and we have an unprecedented surprise presentation

of a sensor that will be extremely relevant to the local environment and not very common in the available stations!

The school group is also developing the installing of air quality sensors, through the setting up of sensors with PM2.0 sensitivity (detecting 0.3 to 10µm concentration of particles and dioxide, monoxide and nitroxide gases), as well as lighting and light spectrum sensors, including UV radiation (Vishay Semiconductor Opto Division VEML6070), installed in classrooms and outside the main school.

Planned program: MARCH 1st – FRIDAY

* 14.00- Auditorium

– opening of the session by the Principal, Carlos Gomes de Sá

– speech by Dr. Sílvia Silva, Póvoa de Varzim Municipal Councillor

– signing of the Partnership Agreement between the Municipality and the School Grouping

– Project presentations:

* Health and Civil Protection Club

* Robotics Club (Miosótis, Sustainable Greenhouse, Do it Girls 2024, CliC-PoLiT)

– Presentation of the weather station: equipment and features

– Presentation of the seismograph

-Closing: Ângela Seixas: City Civil Protection

– Guided tour of the Robotics Club and Seismological Station facilities

Participation: Robotics Club students, 5th E and 5th F students

Teachers António Cunha, Fátima Morais, Filipe Santos and Luís Almeida

Scientific article “Alan Turing’s History and Legacy for Computer Science”

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Today’s edition of the International Journal of Scientific Research and Public Management features a scientific article entitled “Alan Turing’s History and Legacy for Computer Science”, co-authored by António Santos, a computer technician at this school for two years.



“Throughout history we have come across some personalities who think ahead of their time and, in many cases, are misunderstood or even wronged. However, they all have one thing in common: they are geniuses who find impressive solutions to complex problems. The aim of this article is to carry out a historical review of one of the important personalities who has written his name in history and has great relevance to the development of modern computing: Alan Mathison Turing, or as he is known: Alan Turing. Considered the father of theoretical computer science and artificial intelligence, he made his great contribution to humanity by developing, in 1936, through an academic article, an automatic machine (“a-machine”, which was later called Turing) that could read and write different numbers and symbols. This article covers his birth, his academic career, his mentality and vision of machines and technological equipment, his partnerships and some interesting facts about his life.

Thus, it can be understood that, even at that time, it was already possible to see the signs of the first computer logics and realise that machines have dynamics beyond human comprehension, as they can also learn from humans and other machines and, best of all, transmit this knowledge with quality. Thus realising the legacy and historical milestone that this British mathematician, computer scientist, philosopher and biologist left for the modern and contemporary world in which we live today.”


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The Digital School is a programme of the Portuguese Education Ministry that aims to do much more than provide computers and the internet. As the project’s website states, “We want all pupils, teachers and schools to be able to collaborate, teach and learn in a digital environment.”

The programme is based on key initiatives, namely: 1. Making equipment and internet connections available to pupils, teachers and schools; 2. Training and empowering teachers to go digital; 3. Providing digital collaboration platforms and access to digital teaching resources for pupils and teachers; 4. Establishing an action plan for digital development in each school.

As there are some known limitations on the delivery of devices, given the rules applicable to each type/phase and ASE bracket, there are huge constraints in terms of repairs, in addition to the expiry of warranties on many machines, as well as the blocking of access via the hotspots made available to students. On 16 February, a national meeting was held with DGEstE, but the issues associated with maintenance/end of warranty and access to the internet network still remain unanswered.

Nevertheless, the school is already moving forward with streamlining some basic procedures in line with the possibilities of the Digital School rules, in order to reduce the number of computers awaiting intervention, having acquired various materials and adjusted internal procedures for dealing with situations. In addition to the creation of a platform for registering and processing occurrences, with the history of the equipment and automatic communications with the students’ teachers, during the Carnival break, an update on the state of the equipment was promoted, with the registration of anomalies that do not limit its use (e.g. hard keys, audio output not working); dozens of missing screws were also applied, chargers replaced, backpacks repaired… which made it possible to deliver around 30 more pieces of equipment to the students. We would like to highlight the collaboration of IT technician António Cunha, as well as the technical and operational assistants, in a process that, given the volume of data/equipment involved, is not easy to manage, and during the Christmas break, an adjustment was made to the support storerooms.

This process will end by the end of February, with new assignments, reinforcement the requests for intervention with devices under warranty or waiting at school for decisions.Those situations resulting from misuse/irreparable damage will also be charged to the EE, under the legal terms of the loan, with the aim of reducing the number of outstanding repairs by 15 March, which was over 80 at the beginning of February.

Alongside all this, there has been constant concern about the fixed items of equipment in classrooms/services, the maintenance of which is carried out by the ICT teachers working at the main school, using the system for reporting problems, via the tickets on the school’s website. The headteachers have worked together to keep a record of abnormal situations with the students’ equipment, since regular use of digital equipment is promoted, as this is the only way to gradually familiarise students with and prepare them for the Final and Benchmarking Tests.

In addition, in the 1st cycle, the conditions for internet access will be reinforced, with the City Council approving the suggested intervention by the School Group, and the purchase of new equipment to replug the Wifi signal in all the classrooms has already been awarded, and it is expected that by the end of the 2nd term all the classrooms will have efficient internet network coverage. This work will be carried out by the school’s IT technician, António Cunha, so that all classrooms will have a network capable of allowing consistent use of IT equipment, considering that, since last year, all classrooms have multimedia projectors, one of the axes of the Digital School.

Of course, we don’t have perfect settings and there are always aspects that can be improved, so we would like to thank all the students/Guardians,Parents, Teachers and staff for their collaboration, in the certainty that the use of digital devices requires extra care, not only in terms of transporting/keeping the equipment, but also in its regular use.
