You can now see the weather forecast for the current time and +24 hours!
In an entirely “in-door” work, this station is being developed by the Robotics Club of the School, under António Cunha’s supervision, providing already, on line and in real time, data concerning temperature, air moisture and air pressure.
Soon, data available to the community will be extended to include UV radiation values, wind intensity, speed and direction, pluviometric index, air quality, CO2 level in the air and visibility, with some graphic adjustments still being made.
Based on all this information, the site provides a forecast, adjusted to the historical values, which is an extremely revealing feature for the local community, given the update and reliability of the data.
The station is being developed to be powered by solar energy, a later detailed project.
To access the station data, click on the following link and then on the image that will appear in the new window Weather Station – Agrupamento de Escolas Aver o Mar (aeaveromar.pt)
You can directly access the data from the weather station, by clicking on the icon available on the site, on the top right corner.