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Carlos Gomes de Sá

New amenities foster school wellbeing

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Whilst keeping our commitment to creating a welcoming school, we are still working to provide new areas, facilities and other activities.

We’ll soon be announcing a new structure to be installed at Aldeia Elementary School, via parents and guardians. As we embark on the final stage of installing the Snoezen room, we’re sharing the new outdoor furniture that has been installed at the main school. These are a set of four tables and benches for use in the garden, when the weather conditions allow, or in the sheltered areas.

One of the items of recycled material purchased is the result of the “School Participative Budget 2023” project and will complement the existing CAA space in the area, where there is also a bio-health equipment and a static bicycle will soon be installed. There is also a small platform used as a stage to create some interaction and allow performances, recitals, rehearsals… A future open-air auditorium is planned for the outdoor space in the stone area. Intervention had also been carried out in the area between blocks C and D in the previous school year, with the laying of artificial grass in two flowerbeds.

We would like to highlight the commitment and availability of the school non teaching assistants in this process, since they carry out many of the assemblies of the equipment, as well as the maintenance of the green spaces. We would also like to highlight the supportive collaboration of the teachers, whether in the community greenhouse or in the maintenance of the equipment, as in the case of the stage or the support for the new bicycle, which is currently being installed.

If we understand well-being as a set of practices that include good nutrition, physical activity, good interpersonal, family and social relationships, without forgetting anxiety and stress levels, we can say that it means health in its broadest sense, in an active way and in all its aspects (physical, social, mental and economic). The awarding of the “Healthy School” label to the school group is more than just a goal, it’s an ongoing challenge, seeking to create better conditions for everyone. In the 1st cycle and PreSchooling contexts, the group works closely with the local council, to whom the needs and challenges are submitted.

In historical terms, the term “well-being” first appeared in the 16th century to designate the fulfilment of physical needs, while in the 18th century it referred to the material situation that allowed the needs of living to be met.


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The Aver-o-Mar School Group will be taking part in the 12th MEETING OF PRE-SCHOOL EDUCATORS AND ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TEACHERS, organised by Areal Editores, in Lisbon ( 3rd February – Culturgest) and Porto ( 2nd March – Super Bock Arena).

With the motto ” Together for a sustainable future”, this two-day training event, the programme of which you can see in the links below, will feature the presentation of a set of practices for inclusion and sustainability by our school grouping, which will be taken up by the Headmaster, Carlos Gomes de Sá, and Andreia Teixeira, Social Worker.

The sessions, with very compelling and up-to-date issues, vary slightly between Lisbon and Porto, with the highlight being the communication “The difficult does not mean the impossible”, the panels “Technologies in childhood: advantages, disadvantages and responsibilities” and “For a World without Barriers”, ending with a round table discussion entitled “Because everyone counts”.

The School Group is grateful for the invitation to this National Meeting, which is seen as a form of recognition for the practices we have developed, acknowledging the work of the entire community in permanent networking and the search for new and complementary responses.

The registration link can be found in the corresponding programmes, the proceeds of which will go to three institutions that work with vulnerable children.

THE SCHOOL GROUP IS HIGHLIGHTED IN THE “Jornal de Noticias” EDITION (newspaper and video report)

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This Sunday’s edition of the Jornal de Notícias (JN) features a special report on the multiculturalism that takes place in our school.

The article, written by Ana Trocado Marques, was triggered by the City Council’s last meeting to present a cooperation protocol between the municipality and the school, as part of a new application for activities to be organised with students from countries outside the European Union (NPT), although all foreigners benefit from it.

You can find out more in this Sunday’s edition of the JN. In addition to the print edition, there is also a video report, edited by Eduardo Fortunato (click on the blue link below).

POSITIVE PARENTING: Fieiro Primary School

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The new year began with POSITIVE PARENTING training for the parents/guardians of Fieiro Primary School, Aguçadoura, an initiative organised by the social worker of the Aver-o-Mar School Group, in collaboration with the class teachers.

Over the course of four weeks, they reflected on positive parenting, rules and limits, the language of affection, family-school relationships and themes of parental empowerment.

On 6 February 2024, the diplomas for participation and evaluation of the sessions were handed out.

It was unanimously agreed that this type of action is very important in schools, in promoting parenting skills and establishing a better relationship between family and school.

Thanks to the parents of EB Fieiro for their presence and active participation!

Thanks to the teachers for their co-operation.

Together (family and school) we are stronger!

Andreia Teixeira

School Social Worker

1st Inter-Schools Tournament 23-24: BADMINTON SCHOOLS GROUP PÓVOA DE VARZIM 2

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It took place at Aver-o-Mar Primary School on the afternoon of Wednesday 24 January.

Classes: children A and B, male and female; beginners, male and female.

Schools present:   Beiriz  School, Averomar  School and Cego do Maio  School.

Participants: 23 male and 19 female athletes.

Picture 1 – A day full of energy, movement, perspiration, animation and … socialising!

Everyone put in a lot of effort, playing “best of 3” sets, with draws and tie-breaks ensuing.


This sport is already a tradition in this school, always based on excellent results.

Congratulations once again!

Next Inter-Schools match (the 2nd for Children A and B and Beginners) → 21st February at Aver-o-Mar  School.

The good level of quality this year 2023-24 leads us to predict, once again, excellent results in the District Finals next May.

Our P. Varzim 2 School Group has dominated this level in the Porto District in recent years, so let’s wait and see what happens this year!


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On the 3rd of February, the Aver-o-Mar School Group, represented by the Director, Carlos Gomes de Sá, and the Social Worker, Andreia Teixeira, went to Culturgest in Lisbon, as part of the 12th Meeting of Kindergarten Teachers and 1st Cycle Teachers, promoted by Areal Editores, to present inclusion and sustainability practices. In the video below you can see some records of this day of sharing, in which those who give also receive!

This meeting, although with adjustments to the participants, will be held again in Porto, at the Superbock Arena/ Pavilhão Rosa Mota, on Saturday 2 March. You can see the programme and registration link below, and all teachers, regardless of the cycle, are invited to register, which will be donated to a charitable cause, given the scope and complementarity of the presentations.

Programme: Programme_Porto

Lisbon video: (8) Video | Facebook

Photos of one of the moments of interaction with those present:


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The equipment, entirely designed and built at the school, using only inconspicuous components and additive manufacturing, is based on 1.75mm ABS polymer, capable of withstanding temperatures of up to 100ºC, capable of withstanding rain, strong winds, intense UV radiation and considerable chemical resistance (the only known common solvent is acetone). With a size of 15cm by 13cm, it has a “collection vessel” measuring 15.5cm x 9.5cm.

The way it works is simple: water flows from the collection vessel through a hole into the triangular weighbridge, divided into 2 right-angled triangles, the filling of which causes the weighbridge to oscillate and thus alter the magnetic field, using a neodymium magnet, which in turn is read by a hall effect sensor, thus calculating the amount of water per time lapse using a table, which makes it possible to arrive at the rainfall value.

It has a maximum accuracy of 0.173mm, and the entire structure is made of ABS, installed on an acrylic base, supported by two aluminium L-shaped profiles, all joined together with M4 threaded shafts, cut to size for the project. The entire project was designed in-house using TinkerCad and FreeCad (free tools) and all the components are standard.

Care was taken to use only simple, very low-cost electronic components, with the only electronic component being a hall effect sensor, from which 3 conductive wires emerge, which are exposed by a single-position molex plug.

The work was carried out by students from 5th to 8th grade. The project began when the students, who are now in 5th grade, were in 4th grade at the Navais Primary School.

A total of ten 4th year students, who have since moved up to 5th year, two 5th year students, one 6th year student, three 7th year students and four 8th year students were involved in this research, development, technical design and engineering project, under the supervision of two maths and science teachers, in conjunction with the Robotics Club.

The equipment will soon be fully operational and, once it has been calibrated and tested, it will be connected to the weather station at the main school, whose data can already be accessed on the Weather Station Personal Dashboard | Weather Underground (

We’ll have more surprises on 1st March!

Safer Internet Day: Together for a Better Internet

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2024 saw the 21st edition of Safer Internet Day. Under the motto “Together for a Better Internet”, Safer Internet Day is “an annual awareness-raising campaign that brings together stakeholders from the public and private sectors in as many countries as possible to promote the safe and responsible use of technology, particularly among children and young people” (source: Safer Internet Centre). On 8th February, Aver-o-Mar School Group, together with Raiz Editora, took part in this initiative, promoting the “Safe Internet” Olympics in the ICT classes of the classes of: 6thA; 6thD; 7thA; 7thD; 7thE; 7thF and 9thC.

The Raiz Editora representative, Professor Renato Moreira, organised this entertaining activity, encouraging all the classes to work as a team and share knowledge in a funny way. The students were committed to overcoming the proposed challenges, showing some knowledge of the subject, but also ignorance of some of the dangers of using the Internet.

The activity was an opportunity for the students to reflect on the importance of promoting responsible online practices and keeping the Internet a safe and inclusive space for everyone.

Collaborative writing project “A várias mãos” draws students from the Aver-o-Mar School to its 8th Editions

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Within the scope of the local collaborative writing project “A Vários Mãos”, an endeavour of Póvoa de Varzim’s librarian teachers, a lecture was held in the auditorium of the Aver-o-Mar  School on the theme “The city – a permanent challenge…in the past and in the present”. The event was attended by Póvoa de Varzim City Council’s Councillor for Culture, Dr Luís Diamantino.

The motivational session was held to prepare the 5th D, 5th E, 6th C and 6th E classes to represent the school in this important collaborative writing project, which involves all the pupils from the municipality’s schools, and which has already been launched in 8 editions.

During the presentation, Dr Diamantino shared images of Póvoa de Varzim from the past and present, providing an interesting insight into the city's evolution over time. This visual journey was not only educational, but also inspiring for the students, who were able to glimpse the historical and cultural richness of their own community

Let’s bring the Theatre to School: “John and the Enchanted Forest” and “Once Upon a Time”

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On Thursday 11th January, the 4th and 6th graders at Aver-o-Mar School had a truly special experience by watching bilingual theatre plays. The school atmosphere was filled with enthusiasm and fun during the performances of “John and the Enchanted Forest” and “Once Upon a Time”.

The students were carried away to magical and fairytale worlds, offering not only entertainment, but also a valuable opportunity to test and enhance their English skills.

The actors not only engaged the students with enthralling stories, but also challenged them to understand and interact in English.

This language plunge in a playful environment encouraged language learning in a natural and exciting way.

The teachers, Bárbara Garcia and Isabel Miranda, want to demonstrate how important these activities are, as they believe that providing cultural and linguistic experiences from an early age is fundamental for the integral development of the students and that the bilingual plays not only stimulate interest in English, but also promote creative expression and intercultural understanding.

The delighted looks and the enthusiastic clapping at the end showed just how much fun it was to watch the plays. Everyone in the audience absorbed not only the stories, but also the contagious joy of experiencing theatre in such an engaging way. This day will certainly leave lasting memories of laughter and fun in every student’s heart.


The teachers,

Bárbara and Isabel
