The 2nd Inter-Schools Tournament 22-23 took place in the morning of the 29th April, at Rates School.
Age Group: Children A and B, Male and Female.
Schools involved: Beiriz School, Aver-o-Mar School, Cego do Maio School and Rates School.
Participants: 29 male athletes and 19 female athletes.
The 2nd Inter-Schools Tournament 22-23 took place on the 29th April, at Rates School.
An excellent cut-up day, full of animation, energy, socializing… and many good surprises!
This sport is still a tradition in this Grouping and the excellent results are recurrent year after year. This time there was even an overwhelming control over other schools, as can be seen by the results below!
Our students are unstoppable, with an excellent technical and tactic evolution. Likewise their motivation and passion for the sport is evident. They overcame themselves and reversed some results of the 1st round, leaving the others speechless.
Girls – A Female 1st place – Letícia Rigor (5ºF)
Boys – A Male 1st ranked player – David Silva (5ºF)
Girls – B Female 1st and 3rd ranked players – Sofia Ferreira (6ºF), Gabriela Amorim (6ºF)
Boys 1st and 2nd ranked players – Afonso Almeida (6thD), Bekhruz Mammatkulov (6thB).
The highlight of the season is approaching: last day → Final CLDE Porto Boys and Girls A and B – 27th May at Garcia de Orta SEcondary School in Porto.
The good quality level of this year 2022-23, allows us to predict great results in the Final District. It is worth remembering that our Group of Schools P. Varzim 2, has been dominating this age group in the District of Porto, in the last few years! We know, however, that we have respectable competitors in the Group of Schools of Vila do Conde (our athletes from Póvoa’s Sports Club). It will be, certainly, a fierce fight with the approach to the final stage of this round.
By Pedro Mattos