18th Forum: Training and career options for a conscious decision making…

Providing career guidance involves several activities and specific assessment tools in order to understand the interests, motivation, skills, values and personality framework of each young person, thereby providing a basis in psychology for future career decision making. Making the choice of the area of studies at the end of the 9th grade or choosing the higher education course that best fits the interests and motivation are essential but difficult decisions in the lives of young students and their parents.

The Psychology and Guidance Service of the Aver-o-Mar Schools’ Grouping, in collaboration with the Town Hall of Póvoa de Varzim, organised several activities in the scope of the 18th Forum of Educational and Professional Options.

The School Grouping hosted, several activities, including the Army, Navy and Police Force demonstrations, which were experienced with great enthusiasm by the school community.

On 11th May, the students had the opportunity to collect information and clarify doubts with the various entities involved and, in the evening, the parents also had the same opportunity to attend and to clarify doubts with the Póvoa de Varzim and Vila do Conde schools. Here, doubts and questions were discussed and a variety of issues related to the proceeding of studies to the 10th grade were addressed. It was therefore an important activity to promote the involvement of parents and guardians in the school reality of their children, encouraging the fostering of an active role in this crucial moment of the students’ academic journey.

The POS is grateful for the contribution of all those who collaborated and actively engaged in these activities.

By Susete Araújo

Carlos Gomes de Sá

Author Carlos Gomes de Sá

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